Friday’s weekly bulletin: 18th September 2020

Parent consultations – a different approach

As we come to the end of the first half term, we would normally be preparing to invite parents and carers in to school for the termly ‘parent consultations’. This year, however, we can’t invite you in to the school building but we do a still want to talk to you about your child’s learning. So, the new plan is to invite you to sign-up for a ‘phone consultation’; a 10 minute chat with your child’s class teacher to find out how your child is settling in as well as about their particular strengths and areas for development.

These ‘phone consultations’ will take place during the week commencing Monday 5th October. Look out for a separate email next week with details about how to book your appointment(s).

Facebook class pages – if you haven’t joined yet, it’s not too late

It’s been great to see so many parents and carers joining the refreshed class Facebook pages. These are an important part of our new ‘family engagement’ plan to ensure you are ‘in the know’ about what is going on in the classroom.

If you haven’t already joined your child’s class page, please get in touch with us at school and we’ll send you the private link.

Ventilated classrooms – a vital safety measure

We have been very fortunate, in the main, with the weather since we returned to school. This has meant that, for most of the time, having our classroom windows open has been quite pleasant. Open windows is a vital safety measure in our COVID-19 reopening plans because a well-ventilated room significantly reduces the risk of transmission.

The downside to this necessary measure is that on some days (and potentially more days as the seasons change) the classrooms have been quite cool. We are aware of this issue and are thinking about ways to resolve the problem, being mindful that ventilation is necessary. If your child ever comes home saying they had to wear their coat in class, they are probably not joking!

New after-school pick up arrangements

Thank you SO much for bearing with us as we introduced our new arrangements for the after-school pick up. Whilst there were a few teething problems at the start of the week, the system seems to have become smoother and enabled us to dismiss all 350 children in a safe and orderly manner.

If there is any part of the system that you still feel is problematic, please do get in touch with the school and offer any solutions.