Friday’s weekly bulletin: 21st August 2020

Happy Friday everyone!

The purpose of this Friday bulletins is simply to ensure that you, as parents and carers of P1-7 children, receive important information about the coming week. So, for next week…


Staying vigilant

We need our whole school community to be vigilant for the symptoms of COVID-19, and to take appropriate action should someone develop them. The most common symptoms are:

  • new continuous cough
  • fever/high temperature
  • loss of, or change in, sense of smell or taste (anosmia).

It is essential that people do not attend school if symptomatic, but instead self-isolate (along with their household) and follow guidance on NHS Inform and from Test and Protect.


ParentPay Lunches

Please can we ask all families to assist us with lunches by pre-ordering sandwiches (hot meals are not yet available) on ParentPay.  If you have a lunch booked, and your child changes their mind and brings a packed lunch to school, please can you cancel the booking in ParentPay, to prevent you being charged for this..



If you child is absent for longer than a day, please contact us each day to give us an update on how they are.  The Groupcall Xpressions app can be used for this and is checked before registration every morning.


PE update

  • As per Scottish Government guidance, all PE will be outside until further notice.
  • As per Scottish Government guidance, children should come to school in their PE kits on their PE days. They will remain in their kits for the duration of the day so they do not need to bring their uniform with them.
    • Wednesdays: P12W, P4C, P45MP, P6P, P7W
    • Thursdays: P1R, P2WB, P3F, P5M, P56BB, P7S
  • To ensure our children are adequately prepared for outdoor PE, please ensure children:
    • Wear an outdoor PE kit
    • Bring spare shoes and spare socks
      Bring a waterproof coat

Other physical acticvity is happening throughout the week but it is only on these set days that they need to wear their full PE kit.


Ongoing communication

If you haven’t already, please consider:


Have a great weekend. See you next week :-)

Love from Team Edenside