P1-7 bulletin: Friday 22nd October 2021

Happy Friday everyone!

It has been so good to welcome the children back to school this week and to get back into learning.

BE SAFE week – a focus on safety

Our new BE SAFE week has seen the children thinking specifically about:

  • Road safety (being safe out and about on or by roads)
  • Fire safety (how to avoid starting a fire and what to do in the event of one)
  • Personal safety (how to keep our body safe from harm)

There have been some very grown-up and sensible conversations and very insightful questions. These lessons have been in place of the usual BIG question sessions, which start again next week. Our new approach to our Health & Wellbeing curriculum has been developed to ensure we teach our children about a broad range of wellbeing issues, from safety to resilience, from relationships to physical growth.

We are keen to share our new plans with parents and would like to invite anyone interested to join a small consultation group who will help us pick through the detail of our Health & Wellbeing curriculum. If you’d be interested in helping, please use this get in touch form and we’ll share further details.

COP26 – helping our children think about this big issue

As the Countdown to COP continues, we will be using this significant event as the focus for our BIG question; What is climate change and does it matter? This will provide our children with plenty to think about!

Be ready – the weather is changing

As we move into the Autumn months, please ensure your child is ready for the weather. Whilst it may be sunny in the morning, it can change through the day. A waterproof coat is essential to ensure your child can enjoy outdoor play and learning. Thank you.

COVID update

Please continue to be vigilant in spotting and acting on COVID symptoms. Please get a PCR test if needed and keep your child at home until results are received. Thank you.