This is a special newsletter for our P1-3 children who are now back in school.
Welcome back
It has been a truly wonderful week, with the children returning so positively, with big smiles. We have been so pleased with how quickly the classes have ‘slotted back’ into school routines and expectations. It has been great to see the children playing together in their bubbles, chatting together at their tables and learning together in their classrooms.
Staying vigilant is so important
Ensuring the health and wellbeing of our children, our staff and you as families is our number one priority right now. Please help us by:
- Follow the ‘4 steps for being safe on the school run’;
- Adults must wear a face covering at drop off / pick up.
- Stick to one adult at drop off / pick up.
- Adults keep 2 metres apart.
- Avoid car sharing>
- Being vigilant about COVID-19 symptoms; self-isolate if required and follow NHS ‘Test and Protect’ advice. Please phone the school to let us know if a member of your household tests positive.
- Report a child’s positive test result immediately either by phoning the school (if during office hours) or using our new ‘positive test’ form.
Parent-teacher phone calls
If you haven’t already, we’d really encourage you to book an appointment to talk to your child’s teacher next week. Slots are available on Tuesday or Thursday evening, providing an opportunity for a general conversation about your child, how they coped during lockdown and how they have settled back into school. Please check your email inbox for book information or phone the office. #ItsGoodToTalk
World Book Day – Thursday 4th March
At Edenside, we will be marking this annual event with a week of book & reading related activities planned for our learners across the school! We will promote and celebrate our reading culture as well as unite the entire school community. Look out for further details on the class Facebook pages. #EdensideLovesReading
School lunches
Please continue to use ParentPay to order school dinners on a daily or weekly basis; it only takes 5 minutes. It makes Mrs Fleming’s morning jobs so much easier if the dinners are ordered in advance. Thank you.
Keeping in touch
We hope you know that we value the relationships we have with our families. We want to maintain and build on this. However, for the time being this will need to be a ‘virtual’ relationship as we restrict face-to-face meetings and access to the school building. If you want to get in touch, please use the following channels:
- Phone the office on 01573 224264
- Email the office at
- Visit the school website at
- Follow us on Facebook @EdensidePS
- Follow us on Twitter @EdensidePS
- Download the new Xpressions App
We will keep in touch with you via Friday updates and Facebook.