Happy Friday everyone!
The purpose of the Friday bulletin is simply to ensure that you, as parents and carers, receive important information.
Survey responses – your opinion really does matter
Thank you to everyone who took the time to let us know what you think has gone well since we cam back to school and what you think we could do even better. Your responses were both incredibly encouraging and helpful, in equal measure. We have taken the ideas for change on board, particularly in relation to our end-of-day pick up arrangements (see below). If you haven’t had a chance to respond, you still can > survey link.
New pick-up arrangements – starting on Monday
We sent an email yesterday (Thursday) detailing the new plans for our end-of-day pick up. These changes are in response to the on-going precautions we all need to take to stay safe as well as the helpful feedback from parents and carers. These new arrangements will start on MONDAY. If you haven’t already seen the plan. click here.
Facebook class pages – a ‘window into learning’
We shared information this week about the re-launched class Facebook pages that are now live. If you haven’t already joined your child’s page, we’d strongly encourage you to do so as we intend to share insights into the learning inside each classroom.
School lunches – hot meals are a big success
The hot dinner option has gone down very well and our older children are enjoying the novelty of a ‘takeaway’ dinner. At the moment, we are not serving hot puddings (despite the menu option) as this is an added complication to our ‘safe dining’ routines. The yummy home baking instead is going down well though! Please continue to use ParentPay to order and pay for these meals.
Staying vigilant
It is clear that the threat of COVID-19 remains significant and we must not lose focus on that. This requires ever present vigilance and it is vital that nobody attends school or uses school transport if they are displaying any symptoms. Our best chance of keeping our education settings COVID-free is by keeping it out in the first instance.
Young people and staff members must not attend if they or any household member are showing symptoms of COVID-19, such as new persistent cough, temperature and/or loss or change in ability to taste or smell.
The person should seek a COVID-19 test as soon as possible. This can be done via the government portal www.gov.uk/get-coronavirus-test. In line with national guidance, until the test results are received the person and members of their household should self-isolate.
On-going communication
If you haven’t already, please consider:
- subscribing to our school website (http://edenside.scotborders.sch.uk/)
- ‘Liking’ our school Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/EdensidePS/)
- Emailing directly (edensideps@scotborders.gov.uk)