Curriculum Overviews August – October

​Curriculum Overviews ​​Please take a moment to look over the attached curriculum overview for your child’s class, for this term. These provide an outline of the core learning in class and related ‘home learning’ supports for the coming weeks. Thank you Team Edenside P1 Pennington @home.pdf P1 Pennington.pdf P1 White…

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Whole School Bulletin 30th June

Here we are at the end of another school year! It has been lovely to have had a more normal summer term at last where we have been able to go on trips, have visitors in school and have our special end of term events such as sports days, moving…

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Whole School Bulletin Friday 24th June

Happy Friday everyone! We’ve made it to the end of our last full week of this session, where has the time gone?! Shorts and Shades Thank you for supporting today’s Parent Council Fundraiser. It was great to see the children looking so summery on another warm day! 50/50 Draw The…

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Whole School Bulletin Friday 17th June

Happy Friday everyone! Another very busy week for the whole school. Sports Day A big thank you to Mr Sutton for organising such a fun day for everyone. The sun shone and everyone demonstrated great sportsmanship, trying their best and cheering on their peers. It was lovely to see so…

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