Our improvement journey

What are we doing to make our school ‘the best it can be’?

The main achievements of our school over the last 12 months can be found in our “Standards and Quality Report” Edenside SIR 2023-24

In summary, our key successes over the last school year were:

  • Improved understanding and increased consistency of high-quality teaching and learning through professional learning.
  • Increased opportunities for families to engage with their children’s learning using Showbie, open afternoons / stay and play and family workshops.
  • Pupil Voice is starting to positively impact the work of our school, through pupil leadership, pupil voice assemblies and pupil conferencing.
  • Continued focus on nurture – Nurturing principles, Zones of Regulation, Anti-bullying and introducing LEANS has been underpinned by UNCRC and enabled us to apply for a Nurture Schools UK Award.
  • The Early Years Centre has positively supported families, enabling them to feel more supported in the community.


What are we doing this year?

Areas for Improvement 2024-25
  Short Term Medium Term Long Term
Learning, teaching and assessment including Inspire Learning. Focus on #SBCWay Numeracy and STEM during the next year, incorporating the specific teaching of vocabulary in these areas. Staff will use practitioner enquiry to focus on promoting and developing vocabulary with a literacy / numeracy / science focus. Start to develop a Play Strategy for the school.Start to review and evaluate our curriculum.
Inclusion Develop a way to track wider achievement of children to ensure children are given opportunities to achieve and learn / develop new skills from ELC to P7. Develop leadership opportunities for P1-3.Start to develop our ‘Edenside Grows Together’ project. Staff Professional Learning will focus on nurture principles; dyslexia and dyscalculia. Consider how to share this learning with parents
ELC Support the school to develop a play strategy by sharing and demonstrating good practice to other school staff. Staff will use practitioner enquiry to focus on promoting and developing vocabulary with a literacy / numeracy / science focus. Further develop continuous provision and intentional promotion to meet the needs of all children, including the 9 deferrals in ELC for session 2024/25.
Ongoing Improvements 2024-25 
1Embed the T+L Toolkit work within the school. Promote the use of the standard for registration to prepare for PRD and PU (Support new staff with accessing materials)
2Embed LEANS in to the HWB curriculum. (Support new staff with accessing materials)
3Implement SBC Attendance Policy
4Family engagement opportunities are proactively promoted – Showbie sign up; EY centre; open afternoon / stay and play; family workshops; performances; assemblies; parent’s evening
5Gain a Gold Sports Award
6Continue mellow parenting and other positive supports for families in our community, as funding allows (currently until end Mar 2025)
7Consider use of supervision to support staff wellbeing.


To find out more about our School Improvement Plan for 2023-24 please click the link below

Edenside SIP 2024-2025

At Edenside Primary School, we recognise the importance of attendance and the direct link this makes to having positive outcomes for our children. We strongly encourage all children to attend school as much as possible and be on time to school each day. Attendance Policy