Parent Council

The parent council is a group of parents who are interested in what is happening at the school. Obviously we do more than that and the official aims of the parent council (as set out in the school handbook) are to:

  • To work in partnership with the school to create a welcoming school, which is inclusive for all parents and families of Edenside.
  • To promote and develop parent participation in the teaching and learning of the children in the school.
  • To identify and represent the views of parents and families on the education provided by the school and other matters affecting the education and welfare of pupils.
  • To raise funds for the benefit of the children currently in school.

Parent Council constitution Sept 2023

Previously we organised an assault course, discos, film nights, a summer craft evening, a school cookbook and more. We used the funds to buy things ranging from book bags to cameras and ukeleles (and a cupboard to keep them in) to sports strips. We also represented the concerns of parents at meetings with Scottish Borders Council over the asymmetric week and staffing levels.  We are also committed to making a contribution for every child towards the cost of school trips. We meet with Mrs Dixon (and Scottish Borders Council when appropriate) to discuss issues relating to the management of the school. We are here to represent all parents so if you have a concern or an idea about the school let us know, ideally by joining us! There is no minimum commitment: we hold meetings (always an hour or less) once a term (twice in winter), normally on a Wednesday evening. All are welcome at the general meetings but you will have to be an elected member if you want to take part in the governance discussions.

Parent Council events – Autumn term

  • Chairperson – Russett Turnbull
  • Vice Chairperson – Claire McWilliam
  • Treasurer – Louise Lodge
  • Clerk – vacancy

All members can be contacted through the school.

And if you do one thing for the Parent Council this year please, please, sign up to (download the reminder bar as well). If you do this then a small percentage of your online shopping will come to the Parent Council. It costs you nothing and could really help all our kids.

You may find out more information by looking at the Scottish Borders Council Parental Involvement Strategy on the SBC website.
