Our curriculum

What do our children learn?

curriculum rationale

At Edenside Primary school, we want to deliver a curriculum that is:

  • Coherent – ‘joined up’, providing a meaningful pathway through learning
  • Compassionate – providing and modelling care and concern for others and self
  • Creative – allowing pupils to explore their learning in new, interesting, individual ways
  • Cultural – utilising our local environment and opportunities to enrich learning
  • Credible – ensuring knowledge, understanding and skills are taught explicitly and progressively

The curriculum is the ‘totality’ of every learning opportunity

curriculum totality

Curriculum areas and subjects: The curriculum areas are the organisers for setting out the experiences and outcomes. The 8 curriculum areas ensure our children learn across a broad range of subjects and develop a depth of knowledge and understanding.

Interdisciplinary learning: The curriculum should include space for learning beyond and across subject boundaries. This is sometimes referred to as the class topic or ‘theme for learning’. Our current interdisciplinary learning programme is helping our children develop an understanding of many of the ‘big issues’ that they are and will be faced with as they take their place in our modern world.

Ethos and life of the school: The starting point for learning is a positive ethos and climate of respect and trust based upon shared values across the school community. This is captured in our school motto ‘be the best you can be’ and our values of learning, laughter and love.

Opportunities for personal achievement: Pupils need opportunities for achievements both in the classroom and beyond, giving them a sense of satisfaction and building motivation, resilience and confidence. We actively look for opportunities for our children to learn in interesting ways and to provide opportunities for them to achieve real success.

The 8 curriculum areas

8 subjects

A really helpful guide to all of the above is provided on the Parentzone Scotland website. Simply visit https://education.gov.scot/parentzone/learning-in-scotland/curriculum-areas to find out more.

Here at Edenside, we follow a variety of programmes to ensure we provide the broad, general education that all children are entitled to:

Expressive Arts Our MAD programme (Music, Art & Drama) to ensure our children enjoy a broad range of creative opportunities.
Health and Wellbeing A variety of resources used to support our learners.

Physical Education (PE) with specialist teacher

Languages Literacy – ‘Active Literacy’ programme

French – East Lothian programme

Mathematics and numeracy SEAL and Edenside programme
Religious and moral education Edenside programme *


We’ve introduced our new STEM programme (Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths) to ensure the key scientific learning is covered, in line with the Cheviot Cluster Science programme.
Social Studies We are developing our Social Studies programme this year to ensure more creativity, personalisation and choice.

* We respect the wishes of all our parents and if you prefer that your child does not participate in Religious and Moral Education, please inform the school.  As far as is practicable we will provide alternative arrangements for your child.