P1-7 bulletin: Friday 14th January 2022

We’re back and this week has really flown by. We’ve got straight back into the think of learning and laughing so I think the children will sleep well tonight!


COVID-19 mitigations update

We’ve come back to another COVID-led term, with tightened restrictions re-introduced in school. Whilst this is disappointing, it is necessary given the increase if positive cases in the community. The following arrangements are in place this term:

  • Re-introduced class bubbles when inside. This means lunch times are back as ‘bubbles’ because classes need to eat together. However, as much as possible, when outside the children can continue to mix and play as year groups.
  • Ongoing observance of the ‘Hands, Face, Space, Ventilate & Test’ approach.
    1. Regular hand washing or sanitising
    2. Adults wear face masks whenever in close proximity to others (children or adults)
    3. Social distancing between adults and, as much as practicable, between adults and children
    4. Learning space windows are open all day, ensuring controlled ventilation. This has led to cooler classrooms but not uncomfortable.
    5. Regular use of lateral flow tests by all staff and encouraged for children, especially if ‘under the weather’.
  • Home learning support is available for any child who tests positive and needs to stay off school. Click here for full details. This support is an offer and needs only be completed if the child is well enough and can be supported at home to complete the tasks.


Positive COVID-19 cases update

If your child tests positive for COVID-19, please inform the school as soon as possible, either by phone or email.

Under the latest guidance, only the person who tests positive needs to stay at home. This means siblings of a positive case do not need to isolate. Similarly, children of a positive parent do not need to isolate. However, we do understand any parental choice to keep family members at home in the event of a positive case so please get in touch to discuss your individual circumstances.

If anyone in the school (child or adult) tests positive, we will inform affected ‘bubbles’ by GroupCall email. Under the latest guidance, all in-school contact is deemed as low risk meaning there is no need to isolate unless contacted directly by Test & Protect.

Please be assured we are working really hard to keep everyone safe and to keep learning happening.


Other important updates

PE kits: Every child should come to school with a PE kit, ideally at the start of the week. Wearing different clothes for PE is important, for safety and for hygiene. We do have some spare kit in school but most children don’t like to use it!

Heart of Scotland learning: Over these first 2 weeks of the new term, our children are answering the BIG question ‘What makes Scotland so special?’. As part of this learning, every child will be learning and reciting a Scots poem. Each class will also be exploring either Scottish myths and legends, Scottish traditions and customs or famous Scots! This will all culminate with a whole-school Burns lunch, hosted by Primary 7.

Nursery enrolment week: Enrolment week for three and four year olds for session 2022-23 will take place week commencing Monday 17 Jan 2022. This will be for children who have their third birthday on or after 1 March 2022. Follow this link to apply NEXT week. Eligible two year old enrolment will as always follow in May or early June, once we have had confirmation from the Government of the eligibility criteria for the period.


Weekly learning update from our P7 Roving Reporters

“What have you enjoyed learning about this week?”

  • P1P = Our common words and Scottish words
  • P1/2W = Scottish stories and the ‘Heid, Shooders, Knaps and Taes’ song
  • P2S = Measuring things in centimetres and metres, counting in French and Loch Ness monster writing
  • P3DF = Measuring our feet and hands and Stephen Brown drawing
  • P3/4C = Scottish artists and making metal trees
  • P4/5W = Phonics and the skipping and jumping in PE
  • P5/6M= Left to right, iPad skills and adjectives
  • P6BB = Scottish language activity challenges
  • P6/7D = Robert Burns life, poetry and Scottish words
  • P7W = Adding and multiplying fractions, Robert Burns and PE activities