P1-7 bulletin: Friday 11th June 2021

Is it really the 11th June already? That can’t be right, can it?   COVID update You will no doubt be aware of the increase in positive COVID-19 cases over recent days, both nationally and locally. This is, of course, concerning and reminds us of all the importance of staying…

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P1-7 bulletin: Friday 4th June 2021

Happy Friday everyone. It’s been another busy week, especially for our P7s who enjoyed a jam-packed staycation. Please take a moment to look over the information in this week’s bulletin, especially the ‘dates for your diary’ and ‘class news’. The last few weeks – dates for your diary General events…

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Nursery bulletin: Friday 4th June 2021

What a fantastic week of outdoor play we have had! Highlights from this week:   We have had to come up with ways to create shade in the garden to keep ourselves cool. After several failed attempts, the children, with a little assistance, made a den out of one parachute,…

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