P1-7 bulletin: Friday 28th January 2022

What a week! It’s fair to say that its been a challenge, with cases of COVID impacting staff and pupil absence. However, in true Edenside fashion, we have tried to ‘be the best we can be’ in these trying circumstances, including hosting a wonderful Burns Lunch on Tuesday.  We’ve also…

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Curriculum Overviews, January – March 2022

Curriculum overviews

Please take a moment to look over the attached curriculum overview for your child’s class, for this term. These provide an outline of the core learning in class and related ‘home learning’ supports for the coming weeks.

Take care and stay safe.

Love from Team Edenside

P1Pennington / P1Pennington @ home

P1White / P1White @home

P2White / P2White @home

P2Sutherland / P2Sutherland @ home

P3Douglas & Fleming / P3DF @ home

P3/4Cowan / P3/4C @ home

P4/5Wood / P4/5W @ home

P5McTeir (school and home)

P5/6McCombie / P5/6M @ home

P6Bryce & Ballantyne (school and home)

P6/7Davidson (school and home)

P7Wood (school and home)

P1-7 bulletin: Friday 21st January 2022

How has it already been 2 weeks?! We’ve had another incredibly busy, learning-packed week, albeit also trying to minimise the impact of COVID that has made itself known in a number of our classes this week. The mitigations and back-up plans we have in place seem to be working to…

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