Nursery bulletin: Friday 11th June 2021

We have had a great week at nursery, spending the majority of the time outdoors.  We are all very grateful that the dry weather has decided to stay

Highlights from this week:

 ELC 1


  • When we were in the secret garden on Tuesday, we found there were flowers on the elder trees. Some children recognised the smell of the flowers and told me they liked elderflower juice. We only counted four heads so if there are 20 next week we are going to make our own juice at nursery and try it at snack time.
  • We had a very successful sports day this year. The children enjoyed the different activity stations, cheering on their team mates whilst waiting patiently for their turn.  Hopefully you have managed to see the photo montage which was shared on the Facebook page.
  • With great excitement and lots of enthusiasm the children worked together (with a little help from staff) to clear, tidy and prepare an area of the secret garden for our visits next week. They swept, lifted/rolled tree stumps and collected stones to mark the fire pit safety area. It’s amazing what an incentive like hotdogs and toasted marshmallows does to the children!

Snacks next week:   Fruit and vegetable sticks are always available with morning snack.


WEEK Morning snack Afternoon snack
Monday Toast and a selection of toppings Selection of fresh fruit
Tuesday Jelly Selection of fresh fruit
Wednesday Graduation cake Selection of fresh fruit
Thursday Hotdogs and marshmallows Selection of fresh fruit
Friday Selection of fresh fruit


Other news:

 Nursery Graduation

Unfortunately we are unable to invite parents in for graduation this year but we will be sharing photos of the event on the Facebook page and individual photo’s will go into the children’s learning journey’s. The children will be going onto the stage to receive their certificates, watched by their friends and will return to the nursery for a celebratory snack.  This has been an unusual and challenging year for everyone but we are incredibly proud of each and every child for being resilient, adaptable and arriving every day with an eagerness to learn and have fun.


Snack money

Please can you check your ParentPay account for any overdue snack money.   We are fast approaching the end of term and we would like to get everything tied up before we finish for the summer.  Thank you to those who ensure their payments are made on time.


End of term

Just to remind you our last day of term is Wednesday 23rd June.



Aware of the rise in Covid cases nationally, we are continuing to be vigilant to keep everyone in our learning community safe. If your child shows any symptoms of being unwell, please do keep them at home. If anyone in the family shows symptoms of Covid-19, please follow the NHS Scotland guidance.  Thank you for working with us to keep our school community safe.


Have a lovely weekend!

Kind regards,

The Nursery Team