P1-7 bulletin: Friday 3rd September 2021

Happy Friday everyone, We’ve had another busy week with core learning in full swing across all classes. Our new Primary 1s have settled so well, taking to the school routines and class arrangements brilliantly. In all classes, the children have engaged with their learning and connected with their classmates. Long…

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Nursery bulletin: Friday 3rd September 2021

Dear families, The children have had a wonderful week at nursery.  They continue to settle in well and are becoming more familiar within the nursery and with the staff and other children. Highlights from this week:   The children have been talking about themselves and their families this week.  They have…

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Curriculum overviews, August – October 2021

Please take a moment to look over the attached curriculum overview for your child’s class, for this term. These provide an outline of the core learning in class and related ‘home learning’ supports for the coming weeks. Take care and stay safe. Love from Team Edenside   P1Pennington / P1Pennington…

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Nursery bulletin: Friday 27th August 2021

Dear families, I really can’t believe it’s the end of week two at nursery.  The children are so settled and adapting incredibly well to their environment with new and unfamiliar children and adults.  We are incredible proud of all the children.   Highlights from this week:   The children are…

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