Nursery bulletin: Friday 18th March 2022

Dear nursery families,

We have had a great week, enjoying time spent inside, outside and in the Secret Garden.


Highlights from this week

During Science week, the nursery have been focusing on ‘Growing’.  The children have been noticing how the garden plants have been developing, they have sown cress seeds and will be watching to see how quickly they grow.  We also received a delivery of plants that will grow just outside the nursery garden which the children helped to unpack and will also be involved in planting.  They will be able to watch them grow even if they’re off to Primary 1.

We have also been looking at how they have grown themselves.  When the children started nursery, we measured them and recorded their height in their learning journeys. This week we have been measuring the children again to see how much they have grown, and we are amazed by the results.  We will share this with you.

We have had two trips to the Secret Garden this week, one slightly wetter than the other. The children were busy from the moment they arrived, breaking off into groups to play,  chat and explore.  Some of our youngest children were helping to tidy, sort and organise the cabin, leaving everything ready for the next visitors.

Cars are still a big focus for the children again this week.  In the nurture room the children have been positioning pipes and planks in their garden to run the cars down, seeing whose car can go the furthest.  In the big room the cars are being used in the block corner, where ramps and roads are constructed so the cars can be driven to their destination.

Daily snack:

The children have a variety of fruit and vegetable sticks for morning and afternoon snack along with a drink of milk or water.



Nursery Place for August 2022

You will have received an email asking you to accept or decline your child’s place for August 2022, please can you make sure you follow the link to confirm this.  If you haven’t receive an email please check your spam folder before speaking to a member of staff.

Bake sale for Ukraine

The P7’s are arranging a bake sale on Friday 25th March to raise money for Ukrainian Families.  We would like to have a bake sale for our nursery children and families at collection time on the day, and would be grateful for baked donations from any willing parents/carers.  We are also looking for volunteers to run the sale alongside members of the staff team.  If you are able to help/bake please let a member of staff know.  Many thanks in advance.

Sickness Bug

The sickness bug is still affecting lots of people, please remember that children must stay off nursery for 48 hours after the last time they were sick/diarrhoea.


We are continuing to be vigilant and to keep everyone in our learning community safe. If your child shows any symptoms of being unwell, please do keep them at home. If anyone in the family shows symptoms of Covid-19, please follow the NHS Scotland guidance.  Thank you for working with us to keep our school community safe.  If your child is unwell/going to be absent from nursery please notify the school via telephone (01573 224264) or send a message through the Expressions App.

Have a lovely weekend!

Kind regards,

The Nursery Team