P1-7 bulletin: Friday 11th February 2022

How is it the end of this half term already? Where does the time go? These past few weeks have been a challenge for various reasons but we’ve made it through. We hope all our families have an enjoyable half term break and we look forward to welcoming children back to school on Monday 21st February.


Share the love? A kind word goes a long way.

As we come to the end of a very challenging half term, we’d really love to know what you love about Edenside. As a school, we work so hard every day to provide an engaging, enriching experience for your children. If you could spare 2 minutes to ‘share the love’, a few simple words via this wee link would be appreciated. Thank you.


Books, books, books? Yes please!

Would you be willing to have a clear out of your bookshelves? Might you have some good quality children’s books that you’d be willing to donate to the school library? Our amazing Parent Council will be hosting a book amnesty on Friday 25th February (after the half-term break). Just send any donations to school after the half term. Thank you.


Weekly learning update from our P7 Roving Reporters

“What have you enjoyed learning about this week?”

  • In P1P they had fun experimenting with ice and there ‘F’ and ‘O’ sounds.
  • In P1/2W they have been making ice cream and experimenting with ice.
  • P2S have been dissolving things and have been making music with xylophones.
  • P3DF enjoyed music and drama during ‘MAD’ time and made volcano stories.
  • In P3/4C they have making potions and mixing primary colours to make secondary colours.
  • P4/5W were busy with topic, science, and paint mixing.
  • P5M have focused on fractions (quarter + halves) and the water cycle [in a bag].
  • P5/6M enjoyed fractions, Stick man art and basketball in P.E.
  • P6BB enjoyed coding, the water cycle and homophones.
  • P6/7D have done French bingo, art and enjoyed reading the class novel.
  • In P7W have been making video games as well as adding and subtracting fractions with decimals.
Written based of other peoples ideas by Lena Kielo, Lilly Jones, Ava Niven and Fergus McMillan.


Positive COVID-19 cases update

If your child tests positive for COVID-19, please inform the school as soon as possible, either by phone or email.

Under the latest guidance, only the person who tests positive needs to stay at home. This means siblings of a positive case do not need to isolate. Similarly, children of a positive parent do not need to isolate. However, we do understand any parental choice to keep family members at home in the event of a positive case so please get in touch to discuss your individual circumstances.

All in-school contact is deemed as low risk meaning there is no need to isolate unless contacted directly by Test & Protect.

Home learning support is available for any child who tests positive and needs to stay off school. Click here for full details. This support is an offer and needs only be completed if the child is well enough and can be supported at home to complete the tasks.

Please be assured we are working really hard to keep everyone safe and to keep learning happening.