Nursery bulletin: Friday 27th August 2021

Dear families,

I really can’t believe it’s the end of week two at nursery.  The children are so settled and adapting incredibly well to their environment with new and unfamiliar children and adults.  We are incredible proud of all the children.


Highlights from this week:

 elc pics

The children are continuing to settle well and are still finding out what the room and garden have to offer.  They are beginning to learn the nursery rules and routines and are becoming confident in the setting.

We were delighted to receive a delivery of enormous courgettes this week but when they arrived, we couldn’t have guessed how many learning opportunities they would inspire.  The children were intrigued by what they were, what they felt like, how heavy they were, how many there were.  It sparked conversations and led to activities requested by the children.

On Thursday we visited the secret garden for the first time this term.  Each week we come together to talk about staying safe in the garden and this time the children who were here last year enjoyed sharing their knowledge with the others and showing them around .  The children really enjoyed the freedom they have to explore and were running, climbing, jumping, digging and hiding behind the tall weeds.

With the weather still being nice the children spent a lot of time outside.  The mud kitchen has been particularly busy, the children decided it would be better if it was on the grass by the big digging area, so with their help it was moved and to their credit it has been a huge success.


Daily snack:

The children have a variety of fruit and vegetable sticks for morning and afternoon snack along with a drink of milk or water.


Other news:


If you are ordering a school lunch please can you remember to order your child’s lunch through ParentPay.  If you child has grapes in their packed lunch please can you make sure they are cut in half.



While the weather is still warm we would be grateful if you could bring in a sun hat and sun cream for your child (hopefully I haven’t just tempted fate).

It would also be helpful if your child had a pair of trousers/leggings in their bag to use when they visit the secret garden.



We are continuing to be vigilant and to keep everyone in our learning community safe. If your child shows any symptoms of being unwell, please do keep them at home. If anyone in the family shows symptoms of Covid-19, please follow the NHS Scotland guidance.  Thank you for working with us to keep our school community safe.


Have a lovely weekend!

Love from,

The Nursery Team