P1-7 bulletin: Friday 28th January 2022

What a week! It’s fair to say that its been a challenge, with cases of COVID impacting staff and pupil absence. However, in true Edenside fashion, we have tried to ‘be the best we can be’ in these trying circumstances, including hosting a wonderful Burns Lunch on Tuesday.  We’ve also tried to ensure those not with us are catered for too, be it with the offer of food parcels or home learning (if the child is well!).

Whatever the next few days or weeks hold, please be assured that we will make it through!


Positive COVID-19 cases update

If your child tests positive for COVID-19, please inform the school as soon as possible, either by phone or email.

Under the latest guidance, only the person who tests positive needs to stay at home. This means siblings of a positive case do not need to isolate. Similarly, children of a positive parent do not need to isolate. However, we do understand any parental choice to keep family members at home in the event of a positive case so please get in touch to discuss your individual circumstances.

All in-school contact is deemed as low risk meaning there is no need to isolate unless contacted directly by Test & Protect.

Home learning support is available for any child who tests positive and needs to stay off school. Click here for full details. This support is an offer and needs only be completed if the child is well enough and can be supported at home to complete the tasks.

Please be assured we are working really hard to keep everyone safe and to keep learning happening.


Parent Council meeting – come and join the conversation

Please join us on Thursday (3rd Feb) for our first ‘in-person’ Parent Council meeting in over 2 years! Come along to the Hoot n Cat café, 6-7pm and be part of the conversation about your child’s schooling. (Please observe all COVID safety rules in place at the time.)


Parent phone calls – it’s good to talk

Every term, we provide a formal opportunity for you to talk to your child’s teacher. With the ongoing COVID restrictions, we can’t invite you into school so we need to continue our phone calls, providing a 10 minute chat about your child and their learning. You should have received an email inviting you to book a family phone call on the evening of Tuesday 8th or Wednesday 9th February. If for some reason this hasn’t appeared in your inbox, please check your junk box before getting in touch with us at school. We will, of course, help in any way we can.


Other important updates

School starts at 9: Almost all of our children always arrive promptly for a 9am start. However, we do have some stragglers and this impacts class learning. Please ensure you get your child to school in plenty of time for our 9am start.

PE kits: Every child should come to school with a PE kit, ideally at the start of the week. Wearing different clothes for PE is important, for safety and for hygiene. We do have some spare kit in school but most children don’t like to use it!


Weekly learning update from our P7 Roving Reporters

“What have you enjoyed learning about this week?”

  • P1P enjoyed some yoga and talked about the story of Snow White ( good people and bad people ). They have also been measuring heights.
  • P1/2W were learning safety in a house and online. They where also measuring water.
  • P2S had fun weighing objects and learnt safety at home.
  • P3F had some fun making tin foil boats and then testing them in the sink. They also made pictures to show skip counting.
  • P3/4C found out about safety on the internet and at home.
  • P4/5W enjoyed rugby and their new novels as well as online safety.
  • P5M where doing efficiency of buildings and also doing the left and right method.
  • P5/6M have been investing rocks in STEM and also measuring in maths.
  • P6BB had fun investigating rocks and doing fractions in maths. They also enjoyed reading their new reading books.
  • P6/7D were investigating rocks in STEM and also doing measuring.
  • P7W have enjoyed doing round the daily school run, programming computer games  and hosting the Robert Burns lunch .