Whole-school bulletin: Friday 6th May 2022

As a slight change to normal, this bulletin is for the whole school, nursery included. Whilst not everything is for everyone, hopefully there’s something for someone! Curriculum overviews (P1-7) Please take a moment to look over the attached curriculum overview for your child’s class, for this term. These provide an…

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Curriculum Overviews, April – June 2022

Please take a moment to look over the attached curriculum overview for your child’s class, for this term. These provide an outline of the core learning in class and related ‘home learning’ supports for the coming weeks. Take care and stay safe. Love from Team Edenside P1Pennington / P1Pennington @…

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P1-7 bulletin: Friday 29th April 2022

What a wonderful week, with super weather to help. It’s been yet another week full or learning, laughter and love with a particular focus on getting out and about. So far this term, most classes have been for a trip to somewhere in Kelso. Next week see’s our P6s heading to…

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Nursery bulletin: Friday 29th April 2022

Dear nursery families, It’s hard to believe that this is the last bulletin of April 2022, a quarter of the year has passed already. Highlights from this week: During our visits to the Secret Garden this week the children have been involved in lots of activities, jumping and landing with two…

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