P1-7 bulletin: Friday 18th March 2022

Love from Edenside

This week, prompted by a group of our P7s, the children started making postcards to send to Ukrainian children and families. We want to send some love from Kelso, to show some kindness in a desperate situation. We know a postcard doesn’t make any physical difference but we hope it makes an emotional difference.

Next Friday, we’ll be hosting a bake sale as a final fundraiser. If anyone would like to support us by donating baked treats, please email us and we’ll get in touch next week to confirm details. Thank you.


Science week

There has been so much Science going on in school this week. Every day there has been some investigation or discussion. From growing plants in P1, exploring food chains in P3 or chemical reactions in P5, every pupil has been ‘seriously sciency’.


Spring Festivals

As we come to the end of this term, learning will focus on Spring with a particular emphasis on the various festivals celebrated around the world at this time of year. Such learning is important to give our children an understanding of other cultures and communities. We hope to culminate with a special Spring celebration at the very end of term. Watch this space.


COVID update

As you will probably have seen in the news, there has been a new increase in positive cases again. This is having an impact in school, with a small number of pupils absent and staffing continually challenging. All the time the COVID guidance and restrictions are in place, please do all you can to help us minimise the spread of the virus which continues to impact our school day. If you have any questions, just call the office and we’ll try to answer. Thank you.


Get well soon, Mrs Ballantyne. Nice to have you back, Mrs Moutter.

P6BB families are already aware but I wanted to let everyone else know that Mrs Ballantyne will not be in school for a number of weeks as she is getting a much needed operation on her hip! We wish her a speedy recovery. In her absence, we’re welcoming Mrs Moutter back to Edenside. Mrs Moutter left us back in 2020 to move to the Isle of Arran but has since returned to Kelso.


P7 Residential

A wee reminder to our P7 families; if you haven’t already, please finalise the payments for our upcoming residential. We depart on Wednesday 4th May – exciting!


Out-of-school clubs

Mr Sutton is doing a wonderful job of offering and organising a number of clubs for our older pupils including basketball, netball, rugby and the mid-week running club (with Mr Hastie). We know those children attending are really enjoying these opportunities.

Going forward, into the summer term, we hope to be able to offer more opportunities, some sporting, some alternatives, to all pupils. Watch this space.