P1-7 bulletin: Friday 25th February 2022

Happy Friday everyone! How is it nearly the end of February already? We’ve had another jam-packed week and the same again next.


World Book Day – but a week of build-up and thinking

Next Thursday (3rd March) is the annual World Book Day, a special day dedicated to books. Over the course of next week, classes will engage in a daily book-related activity as we continue to inspire a love of literature. We’ll also be distributing the World Book Day tokens which give every pupil £1 to spend on books, either against the full price or to buy one the special WBD £1 books. Please encourage your child to use these vouchers; we really want to help our pupils enjoy reading for fun.

For more information about World Book Day, follow this link. https://www.worldbookday.com/about-us/what-is-world-book-day/


We’re an award winning school

We are delighted to share that Edenside Primary has received the General Teaching Council Scotland ‘Excellence in Professional Learning’ award. This wonderful award recognises the hard work and commitment of our school staff to continue to learn and grow as professionals. It recognises the particularly unique approaches we have developed to train new and existing staff. Whilst we were nominated for this award back in 2020, it’s only now that we’ve been able to officially accept it. We’re so pleased!


Share the love? A kind word goes a long way.

We know we don’t always get everything right but we really do try! Team Edenside works so hard every day to provide an engaging, enriching experience for your children. If you could spare 2 minutes to ‘share the love’, a few simple words via this wee link would make our day! Thank you


COVID update

Announcements this week from the Scottish Government are very positive. We appear to be moving to ‘living with COVID’. In school, there will be a change to some mitigations over the coming weeks but most of these changes will affect staff more than children. Some of the changes we introduced to help protect against COVID have actually proven to be positive in the long term. For example, staggered break times means less children in the playgrounds at one time, giving more space to run and play! We will try to keep you updated on the main changes that will impact your child and you.

However, despite the positive direction of travel, we continue to be feeling the pressure of COVID. This week, we have had a handful of staff not be able to return from the half-term break. Whilst we are pleased that they have not been too unwell, their absence is felt in school as we try to cover classes or nursery ‘bubbles’. We thank you for your continued patience and understanding as we work to provide as much normality as possible.

In the interim, please continue to follow national guidance on testing and isolation.


Other news

PE kit reminder > Please, please send a full PE kit to school, either at the start of each week or for the half term. Mr Sutton is working our classes hard and the children should be wearing appropriate kit for getting active. ALSO, a pair of indoor PE shoes is requested to stop the playground mess and mud coming into the PE hall. Wearing the daily school shoes is not best. We do have some spare PE shoes available or can direct you to a cost-effective option if needed. Thank you.

Kelso Civic Week 2022 > We have been informed by the Kelso Civic week committee that plans are in place to hold this annual event again this year. This is exciting news for Kelso Town and particularly exciting for two lucky Primary 7 Edenside girls who will be appointed as ‘Lady Bussers’. We use a process of application, interview and vote to nominate identify our individuals. Watch this space.


Weekly learning update from our P7 Roving Reporters

“What have you been busy thinking about this week?”

  • P1P – The ‘u’ sound and water proof or not.
  • P1/2W – Testing waterproof things and 2D shapes.
  • P2S – What a thermometer is  and making clay statues.
  • P3D/F – Naming body parts in French and making a lava lamp!
  • P3/4C – We made models out of clay.
  • P4/5W – Gymnastics in P.E, fractions in Maths, making putty in Science and finishing our reading books.
  • P5M – Sorting out ‘explanation’ statements and gymnastics in P.E.
  • P5/6M – A rock experiment and our core Literacy.
  • P6BB – Coding with Mr Wood and practising fractions.
  • P6/7D – Paint with natural things (as well as all our normal learning!)
  • P7W – Yoga poses in P.E and cross country running.

By Lilly, Lena, Ava and Fergus