Nursery bulletin: Friday 11th February 2022

Dear nursery families,

Even though it’s been a little chilly this week, it hasn’t stopped our adventurers spending lots of time outdoors climbing, jumping and discovering.

Highlights from this week:

11.2.22 photo

The children in the Nurture room have been helping to tidy up the garden.  They pulled up all the weeds from the raised bed to get it ready to plant when we return after the holiday.  We discovered some baby carrots which had been planted last year so we have put them in a pot to hopefully eat at snack time when they’re ready.

Some children were keen to make treasure maps out in the garden and once they were finished they used them to find treasure in the garden (hopefully).  The children were really amazed when they started digging the next day and dug up a rusty tin that had an old key, a belt buckle and ‘some pirate money’ in it.  Their excitement was infectious and other children were drawn to the area where they were able to retell their story of events.  A tiny spark of an idea led to such great learning opportunities for the children that continued over the week.

We have had volcanic eruptions in the garden this week.  A child explained how he had made a volcano at home, so the group were asked if they would like to attempt it at nursery.  We made two volcanoes, one with malt vinegar and the second with distilled malt vinegar.  They poured the same amount of liquid into each glass and added the same amount of bicarbonate of soda and as the glasses were stirred the bubbles rose quickly and poured all over the table. Much to the amazement of the children!  They were able to see which erupted the quickest and describe how the bubbles in each glass were different.

Our budding bakers have been busy this week too, some children made scones and others made chocolate chip fairy cakes which were both delicious.

Daily snack:

The children have a variety of fruit and vegetable sticks for morning and afternoon snack along with a drink of milk or water.


February Holiday

Please remember today is our last day at nursery until Monday 21st February.  We hope you have a wonderful break and look forward to seeing you when we return.

Parent phone calls

This week your child’s keyworker has been making phone calls to discuss your child, their learning and life at nursery.  If we were unable to reach you before the holidays, we will be in touch on the Monday and Tuesday when we return.  This is such a great opportunity for us to share information and we really appreciate your time.

Wear Something Red

Thank you for your generous donations today to help support the school and nursery.

Staying safe

With the number of Covid cases rising within the school community it is important to do a Lateral flow test on your child if they display any Covid-19 symptoms before bringing them into Nursery.


We are continuing to be vigilant and to keep everyone in our learning community safe. If your child shows any symptoms of being unwell, please do keep them at home. If anyone in the family shows symptoms of Covid-19, please follow the NHS Scotland guidance.  Thank you for working with us to keep our school community safe.  If your child is unwell/going to be absent from nursery please notify the school via telephone (01573 224264) or send a message through the Expressions App.

Have a lovely holiday!

Love from The Nursery Team