Happy Friday everyone,
We’ve had another busy week with core learning in full swing across all classes. Our new Primary 1s have settled so well, taking to the school routines and class arrangements brilliantly. In all classes, the children have engaged with their learning and connected with their classmates. Long may this continue.
COVID update – continually balancing ‘health and happiness’
You’ll be aware of the current increase in positive cases locally and nationally. This is obviously concerning but we are also in a time of trying to ‘live with’ the virus. For us as a school, this means constantly trying to balance ‘health and happiness’. We need to ensure our children and staff can come to a safe school but we also want to ensure everyone can come to a happy school. Our current measures will remain in place for another few weeks but we will be trialling year group playtimes, enjoying the benefits of our outdoor space.
1) Be vigilant about COVID-19 symptoms; self-isolate if required and follow NHS ‘Test and Protect’ advice. The main symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are:
- a high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)
- a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
- a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you’ve noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal
2) When awaiting a PCR test result, your child should remain at home until the result is confirmed. If the result is negative, your child can return to school but if positive, your child must isolate for 10 days and the rest of your household must follow NHS Test and Protect guidance.
3) Report a child’s positive test result immediately either by phoning the school (if during office hours) or using our new ‘positive test’ form.
Parent Council meeting – a date for your diary
At the start of this school year, your Parent Council warmly invite you to the annual AGM and first meeting of the session. This will be a ZOOM meeting on Wednesday 15th September, 7.30pm. A link to the meeting will be shared nearer the time. All parents / carers are welcome to join this, and future, meetings. Your voice matters.
Curriculum overviews – sharing the learning
Every term, class teachers produce a ‘curriculum overview’ that sets out the core learning for each class over the coming term. We share these with you so that, as families, you are aware of the main focus for learning in Literacy, Mathematics and other areas of the curriculum.
A copy of the overview for each class is available to download from the school website and we’d encourage all families to follow this link and take a look at the planned learning for your child for the remainder of this term.
BIG question for the coming term
Over the past 2 years, we have been developing a different approach to traditional class topics. To help our children develop a more joined up understanding of our world and the people in it we have moved away from ‘topics’ and now explore a variety of BIG questions. The answers to these questions can be found by learning about different aspects of history, geography or science in age-appropriate ways. The BIG question for the coming term is ‘What does history have to do with MY story?’
As has become the norm, here’s a short video introducing the BIG question. Why not ask your children about what elements they’ve been thinking about this week?
iPad update – upkeep and care
SBC has committed to providing an iPad for every pupil in P4,5,6 and 7 (and into High School). This huge investment in technology has proven to be a great benefit given the COVID-19 lockdowns. As we look to coming out of the pandemic, we remain committed to using the iPads to enhance learning. Whilst they will not replace normal learning, they really do add a brilliant dimension to learning.
As parents and carers, you have signed an agreement (copy available here), acknowledging receipt of an iPad from school for your child. Please note that this agreement does require you to ensure the iPad, chargers and case are kept in full working order and condition. Thank you for your support in ensuring the iPads continue to be a useful tool in our learning kit.
Morning drop-off / after school pick-up
We know the layby outside of school is convenient BUT it is not for use by families. Even if it is empty, it is not to be used. The double yellow lines are there for a reason. As adults, with a responsibility for modelling good behaviours to our children, please ensure you follow this important safety rule.
Paperwork reminder
Thank you to the vast majority of you who have already returned your annual data check forms, your iPad agreements and flu immunisation envelopes. If you’re still to do this PLEASE check school bags this weekend and return at the start of next week.
School buses / transport
For families whose children travel to school by bus, please ensure you have followed the instructions sent out by SBC HQ the other week about using the new online booking system in readiness for next term.