Friday bulletin: 2nd October 2020

Parent phone calls – thank you and remember

Thank you to the 80% of you who have already booked a phone call with your child’s teacher for NEXT week. For those of you still to do so, please use this link and follow the simple steps.

‘Our classroom’ videos – a special message coming soon

In the absence of you being able to physically visit the school and meet your child’s teacher, we will be sharing a number of short videos to give you an insight into life at school. These videos will show you your child’s classroom and introduce some of the key staff supporting your child’s learning. Look out for a separate email early next week with information just for you!

Primary 1 extra – what our learning look likes

Starting big school is an exciting time for all children and families. We would normally invite parents and carers into school for special ‘family learning’ sessions. However, in the current circumstances we cannot do this so we have created a number of ‘P1 learning’ videos to give you an understanding of learning in P1. Look out for a special email with further details and links to these videos.

Explorers ‘dress up’ day – Friday 9th October

To mark the end of this term’s ‘What’s out there?’ BIG question, we’d love the children to come to school dressed up! They could come dressed as an explorer or as someone from another country – it doesn’t matter, it’s just for fun. As ever with our dress up days, please do NOT purchase any special costumes – it’s amazing what you can do with an old pillow case and felt tips! If you’d like any help, just get in touch.


Staying vigilant and responding to COVID-19 symptoms

We need our whole school community to be vigilant for the symptoms of COVID-19, and to take appropriate action should someone develop them. The most common symptoms are:

  • new continuous cough
  • fever/high temperature
  • loss of, or change in, sense of smell or taste (anosmia).

It is essential that people do not attend school if symptomatic, but instead self-isolate (along with their household) and follow guidance on NHS Inform and from Test and Protect.

If, once at school, a child is considered to be displaying symptoms, we will immediately contact parents and request that the child be collected. Families should then follow the national guidance for households with possible COVID-19 infection including testing and self-isolation.


Keeping in touch

We hope you know that we value the relationships we have with our families. We want to maintain and build on this. However, for the time being this will need to be a ‘virtual’ relationship as we restrict face-to-face meetings and access to the school building. If you need to be in the building, you MUST phone to make an appointment.

If you want to get in touch, please use the following channels:

Phone the office on 01573 224264

Email the office at

Visit the school website at

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