Nursery bulletin: Friday 11th March 2022

Dear nursery families,

Sometimes I wonder how we’ve got to Friday so quickly.  This week has been filled with Love, Laughter and Learning.


Highlights from this week:


We recently received a large donation of toy cars and they have been warmly welcomed.  The children in the nurture room were using them to make patterns in rice and they used the lorries and tip trucks to transport it around the tray.  They also took some cars outside and rolled them down a plank into the digging area.  In the big room children made multi storey car parks with the wooden blocks, others used plastic tubing and cable reels from our loose parts to create chutes and tunnels to run the cars down.  They had to do a bit of problem solving and negotiation to get the cars to go as far and fast as possible.

In the garden the children are continuing to use planks from the loose parts to climb up to the large tractor tyre.  They help each other to collect the plank and position it precisely to make sure it’s safe.  The children’s confidence has grown dramatically over the week through perseverance, determination and praise from their peers and staff.  Children are walking and now running up and down the plank with ease and leaping from tyre to tyre successfully.

All the children went to the Secret Garden together this week and they had a fantastic time.  Some of the older children were looking after the youngest, showing them around, looking after them and including them in their games.  There was lots of running, jumping, climbing and conversations.

Our little bakers in the nurture we so proud of the flower biscuits they made this week, they made enough to have one at snack time and take one at home.

Daily snack:

The children have a variety of fruit and vegetable sticks for morning and afternoon snack along with a drink of milk or water.


We are blown away by the amount of money raised by the nursery for Yellow and blue non-uniform day to support families in Ukraine.  So far you have have helped to raise £66.  Thank you so much.

Sickness Bug

There seems to be a sickness bug that is affecting lots of people in the area, please can I remind you the if your child is sick, they must stay off nursery for 48 hours from the last time they were sick.


We are continuing to be vigilant and to keep everyone in our learning community safe. If your child shows any symptoms of being unwell, please do keep them at home. If anyone in the family shows symptoms of Covid-19, please follow the NHS Scotland guidance.  Thank you for working with us to keep our school community safe.  If your child is unwell/going to be absent from nursery please notify the school via telephone (01573 224264) or send a message through the Expressions App.

Have a lovely weekend!

Kind regards,

The Nursery Team