P1-7 bulletin: Friday 11th March 2022

Love for Ukraine

Today saw our children coming to school wearing blue and yellow in an act of support and love for children and families in Ukraine. The donations received will be collated and given to the Disasters Emergency Committee, ‘Ukrainian Humanitarian Appeal’ fund. Thank you for your support.

Next Friday, children will be making postcards to send out to children remaining in or fleeing from Ukraine, in a simple gesture of love.


British Science Week

British Science week is approaching and this has become an annual celebration at Edenside over the years, culminating in our special ‘Edenside Science Sparks’ awards, recognising individuals who fully embrace our science learning. This term, there has been a lot of Science learning anyway, with Georges Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl and Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo providing scientific inspiration. But Science Week is a big part of our school calendar and we’re looking forward to the learning and discussion.


iPads (P4-7)

This is a friendly reminder that the iPads pupils have been given by SBC are provided on long-term loan to each pupil and must be cared for and maintained appropriately. We have reached an agreement with Pitman Computers in Kelso town who will happily provide screen protectors at a great cost and are also offering repairs at a very reasonable price. Should any repairs be required, please contact us at school to discuss the details before then visiting Pitman’s.


Starting the school day

Please remember that our school day starts at 9am, sharp and children need to be at school promptly. However, children should not be in the playground before 8.45am as playground supervision does not start until this time. If you do need to send your child to school earlier than this, Breakfast Club is available from 8am. Thank you.


PE days – a reminder

  • Mondays: P4/5, P3/4, P5/6, P1 or P1/2 (fortnightly rotation), P6/7
  • Tuesday: P7, P5, P3, P1/2, P6
  • Wednesdays: P56, P7, P67, P1, P2
  • Thursdays: P5, P3/4, P6, P4/5, P3

Please ensure your child has a full PE kit on these days, including indoor PE shoes and a jumper for when outdoors. We do have a selection of spare kit that children will be asked to wear if necessary.


COVID update

Despite the continually positive picture, please continue to be vigilant. We continue to have positive COVID cases in our school community, in both children and staff. Lateral Flow Tests are encouraged but, in the event of symptoms, a PCR test is best. Should your child test positive, please inform us as soon as possible. Home-learning is still provided once you confirm an absence.

Please continue to follow national guidance on testing and isolation.