P1-7 bulletin: Friday 4th March 2022

The events in Ukraine are filling the news and occupying our thoughts. It is so very sad and worrying. But, for our children, life must continue and this past week has been as eventful as ever…

World Book Day – but a whole week of discussion


Here at Edenside, we really love books so the annual World Book Day is a great excuse to talk about books a lot. And not just on the day (Thursday 3rd March), but for the whole week! Over the past 5 days, we’ve had a ‘daily dose’ of book talk, designed to get our children thinking about and excited about books.

  • Monday = Some P7 pupils visited every class and showcased this year’s World Book Day £1 books.
  • Tuesday = Story time with special guests (virtually)
  • Wednesday = Book-related activity
  • Thursday = Authors LIVE events and distribution of new (and ‘new to you’) books to every class.
  • Friday = Reflection assembly

Every child received a World Book Day £1 token which can be used against the purchase of any book or to get one of the 12 special £1 WBD books (Sainsburys and WH Smiths are stocking these). If you are unable to use these yourself, why not gift them to someone else or simply return them to school.


Kelso Civic Week 2022 – Edenside’s Lady Bussers

2022 Bussers

In eager anticipation of this year’s Civic week, we are delighted to announce this year’s Primary 7 Lady Bussers; Eden Hewitt and Melissa Paxton. Huge congratulations to both girls who have accepted this honour gracefully and enthusiastically. Commiserations to the other nominees; it was an incredibly strong group of young ladies this year making the final outcome even more difficult. One runner-up, Lily Thomson, has been selected as the official ‘stand in’ for this year’s event, as a wise COVID precaution. Well done Lily.


Ukraine – in our thoughts and time for action

The terrible war in Ukraine is capturing the attention of us all, including a group of our P7 pupils. Saddened by the events they have been witnessing on the news and hearing the stories of fleeing families, this group of Edenside Learners want to do something to help. So, in discussion with school staff, the group have planned 3 events over the coming weeks:

  • Week 1 – Friday 11th March = Yellow and Blue day (non-uniform). Donation of £1 per child (or as much as you’d like to contribute).
  • Week 2 = Postcards from Kelso – every child to write a letter or draw a picture to send to children in Ukraine (or Poland).
  • Week 3 = Bake Sale – yummy treats on sale. £1 per cake for each pupil. Additional baking sold to families at the end of the school day.

We’re very proud of this group of caring young people and thank you in advance for supporting their very worthwhile fundraising and supportive efforts.


Share the love? A kind word goes a long way.

“Great teachers and staff who are all very approachable. Good communication between staff and parents.”

“The feeling that all classes and staff are one family / team who work together and support everyone.”

“Edenside comes across as a very caring community. I feel like the staff really take the time and effort to get to know the children as individuals and that they care about families too.”

These kind of comments make our day, especially as we continue to grapple with multiple challenges on a day-to-day basis. If you felt you could add something to these, we’d really appreciate it. If you could spare 2 minutes to ‘share the love’, a few simple words via this wee link would make our day! Thank you


Going paperless, one email at a time

As we emerge from COVID and ‘normality’ returns, we will continue to rely on electronic communication in place of paperwork. Going forward, please keep an eye on your email inbox for information about class events, many of which REQUIRE consent which you give via ParentPay. Thanks for your help.


COVID update

Despite the continually positive picture, please continue to be vigilant. We continue to have positive COVID cases in our school community, in both children and staff. Lateral Flow Tests are encouraged but, in the event of symptoms, a PCR test is best. Should your child test positive, please inform us as soon as possible.

Please continue to follow national guidance on testing and isolation.