Nursery bulletin: Friday 4th February 2022

Dear nursery families,

This week seems to have flown by! I’m not sure how we got to Friday so quickly.

Highlights from this week:

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It has been lovely having Miss McHarg back this week,. She has been spending lots of time getting to know the children again.

At the end of last week a child asked if they could have the ‘Coggs’ out.  This resource is one that we have had for a long time but it hasn’t been played with this term.  The children were amazed at how they could fit the pieces together and use a handle to make everything move.  Children supported each other to get it to work if there was a problem.  After working on individual models they discovered they could make a ‘massive one’ if they joined them together.  Team work definitely played a big part in this activity.

Last week the children enjoyed having the babies in the water tray outside, they made a request to give them a bath inside next week.  Mrs Feeney made a special station where they could wash, dry and dress the babies.  They showed great care when bathing the dolls and were able to talk to their friends and adults about what they were doing and why it was important to be clean.

At the beginning of the week half of the nursery visited the Secret Garden with a special job in mind; checking the Garden for storm damage.  They documented the damage using an iPad and paper and clip board and shared their findings with the rest of the nursery when they returned.  Thankfully the only damage was small branches and twigs lying on the ground! They worked together to clear the paths and make the garden safe for the rest of the school to use.

Daily snack:

The children have a variety of fruit and vegetable sticks for morning and afternoon snack along with a drink of milk or water.




Please remember to order your lunches via Parent Pay.  If you are having any difficulties please speak to a member of staff at drop off and we can add your order.  If your child is having a home packed lunch please can you make sure that it doesn’t contain any products with nuts in as we are a nut free school.  We would be grateful if you could label their lunch bag/box.

February Holiday

Our last day at nursery is Friday 11th and we return on Monday 21st February. Children can wear something red if they want, as part of the big school ‘wear something red’ day.

Staying safe

With the number of Covid cases rising within the school community it is important to do a Lateral flow test on your child if they display any Covid-19 symptoms before bringing them into Nursery.


We are continuing to be vigilant and to keep everyone in our learning community safe. If your child shows any symptoms of being unwell, please do keep them at home. If anyone in the family shows symptoms of Covid-19, please follow the NHS Scotland guidance.  Thank you for working with us to keep our school community safe.  If your child is unwell/going to be absent from nursery please notify the school via telephone (01573 224264) or send a message through the Expressions App.

Have a lovely weekend!

Love from The Nursery Team