Nursery bulletin: Friday 3rd September 2021

Dear families,

The children have had a wonderful week at nursery.  They continue to settle in well and are becoming more familiar within the nursery and with the staff and other children.

Highlights from this week:

elc pics


The children have been talking about themselves and their families this week.  They have drawn self-portraits, spoken about who lives in their house and counted how many.  In small groups the children have been gathering data about hair & eye colour.  We noticed that some of the children were comparing their heights so we have started a wall chart with the heights measured with string.  They have been seeing who’s that tallest/shortest?  How tall are they compared to their friends?  We will keep the string in their folders and see how much they have grown over the year.

We have had two fun filled trips to the secret garden will all of the children this week.  The children enjoyed making “yucky stuff” in the mud kitchen, fishing in the rain filled sink for “ACTUAL fish” and playing “Paw Patrol”.

There was great excitement when empty boxes were delivered to the nurture room, the children have been using their imagination to transform them into rockets, boats and cars.

We have a new sofa in the story corner and it is proving really popular with the children & staff, especially after lunch when the children enjoy a little bit of quiet time to sit cuddled in to listen to a story or read to their friends.

We have started using the school music hut for small group singing, musical instrument sessions and dancing, it was a huge success and the children can’t wait to go again next week.

Our bakers have been busy this week; some children made delicious cupcakes, others made courgette scones using the yellow courgettes that were brought in by Alexander and were eaten for afternoon snack.  (Many thanks)

Daily snack:

The children have a variety of fruit and vegetable sticks for morning and afternoon snack along with a drink of milk or water.


Other news:


If you are ordering a school lunch can you order your child’s lunch through ParentPay, please note you are only able to order the hot meal choices.



With next week’s weather forecast looking good we would be grateful if you could bring in a sun hat and sun cream for your child.

It would also be helpful if your child had a pair of trousers/leggings in their bag to use when they visit the secret garden.



We are continuing to be vigilant and to keep everyone in our learning community safe. If your child shows any symptoms of being unwell, please do keep them at home. If anyone in the family shows symptoms of Covid-19, please follow the NHS Scotland guidance.  Thank you for working with us to keep our school community safe.



Have a lovely weekend!

Love from,

The Nursery Team