What happens during the day?

During the Day at Nursery

Lunch & Snacks

Snack is available twice a day and is designed to complement the lunch menu.  Children are encouraged to access snack within an allocated period, at a time of their choosing.   We place a real emphasis on healthy eating and children are encouraged to try a variety of new foods.

Morning and afternoon snack is a selection of fresh fruit.

During snack time we encourage independence; children join in with snack time when they are ready, serve themselves and clean up after themselves.

At lunchtime children will be escorted to the dining hall together in groups, where they sit with a practitioner, who eats lunch with them. Our practitioners support the children to serve themselves milk or water and their food. Children who bring a packed lunch also eat in the dining hall with their peers at the same time, but there are very few packed lunches usually, because our school lunches are healthy, nutritious and tasty. They are an easy option for parents and there is no charge for school lunches for nursery children.

To ensure that your child gets a school lunch choice that they are happy with, you will need to order using the ParentPay website. You can order lunches for the week ahead or further in advance if you wish. We encourage you to talk to your child about the lunch choices to help them understand what each one is like, so that you can be sure you choose something that they will like.

If there are any concerns about a child not eating, these will be shared with parents/carers. Previous parents have found that making food choices on ParentPay with their children leads to more food being eaten at lunch time.


If your child has an allergy or specific dietary requirement, please inform your key worker.




After morning snack each day, we ask the children to brush their teeth.  This is a supervised activity and care is taken to ensure each child uses their own toothbrush and a small amount of toothpaste.   We are supported by the NHS through their Child Smile programme, they supply the toothbrushes, toothpaste and visit the nursery to encourage good oral health.


Any prescribed medicines that need to be administered during the school day requires a MEDICAL form to be completed beforehand. These can be requested from our Early Years Officer in nursery.

If your child has allergies, it is important to share all relevant information with a member of staff and fill in an allergy form and medication form if necessary.

Any children who have medical plans will have these in place before their first day of nursery so that staff are well-prepared to adhere to these plans effectively.

All long-term medication will be reviewed every term to ensure our information is kept current.
